Hole Punching Generator for endless practice to help get you a better score on the Dental Aptitude Test (DAT.) Use to prepare for the DAT or to just challenge your perceptual ability

DAT Hole Punching alternatives

Biochemistry Practice & Prep

From the Makers of Varsity Learning Tools - Best Education App - 2016 Appy Awards Biochemistry requires a solid understanding of foundational biology and chemistry concepts. While students may have had an introduction to both biology and chemistry in high school, they likely have not had to apply their understanding of chemistry to biological principles. You can fulfill both of these stipulations by downloading the free Varsity Tutors Biochemistry app for iPhone and iPad today.

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  • size 36.0 MB

DAT Biology: Cram Cards for the Dental Admission Test

DAT Cram Cards is exam prep that effectively and efficiently helps you study less, score higher on the Dental Admission Test. How often do you use your mobile device? We look forward to helping you in preparing for and acing your DAT aptitude test.

  • size 18.9 MB

Organic Chemistry Help

StudyOrgo.com brings you the easiest and fastest method to learn Organic Chemistry using your iPhone or iPad. Our Organic Chemistry flashcards are the perfect complement to you in classroom lectures. When becoming a member, you get full access to our website instantly as well that gives you even more study tools including the reaction roadmapORGANIC CHEMISTRY HELP FEATURESFast method to learn organic chemistryOrganic chemistry basics and reactions includedTips and tricks from teachers explainedIncludes summary guides, notes and mechanisms Intuitive and easy to useDownload the #1 Organic Chem app today and begin acing o-chem.

  • size 52.9 MB

Crack NBDE Dental Boards 1 and 2

NBDE Dental Board Prep. Preparation made beautifully. The actual test will then be a cakewalk for you3) Improve your test skills Sharpen and hone your time management, confidence and accuracy for your NBDE Exam Improve your NBDE Scores instantly4) Learn from detailed explanations Absorb commonly tested facts and concepts through detailed explanations for the NBDE5) Estimate your NBDE score Predict and estimate your NBDE scores Receive your estimated NBDE Scores after each test6) Pinpoint your weaknesses Generate comprehensive analysis reports to find areas where you can improve your NBDE Scores7) Receive Automatic updates Yay Youll never be left with an outdated version8) Access Anytime Anywhere9) Pass your NBDE Heart us after you conquer your Dental Boards

  • rating 4.5
  • size 8.3 MB

Organic Chemistry Practice

From the Makers of Varsity Learning Tools - Best Education App - 2016 Appy Awards Conquering organic chemistry can feel like an uphill battle. However, it is an important course for many majors in the health and science fields especially medical school hopefuls. Download today to get started.

  • rating 4.8
  • size 36.0 MB