Conjugueur2 allows simply to conjugate more than 9,800 French verbs. Very useful in case of doubt on the termination of a French verb, this little database will be always with you. This new version includes the following features :- Brand new conjugation Engine (no more delay at launch)- 9800 verbs , including the pronominaux verbs- all the existing French tense - search engine to easily find the veb you want- a new gramaticals rules database, to avoid common mistakes (quant, quand / se, ce, e),Conjuguez bien

Conjugueur2 alternatives

Reverso translation dictionary

Translate and learn millions of words and expressions and express yourself as if you were a native speaker. Reverso is the best tool for those who seek quality translation, looking to master a foreign language: reading, writing or speaking, and its free. * Visit our website:

  • rating 4.59999
  • size 87.7 MB


This application for iPhone or iPod Touch makes it easy to consult the online French dictionary TLFi from the Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicales ( is possible to view the definition, the etymology, the synonymy or the antonymy of a word. The TLFi (Trsor de la langue franaise informatis) comes from a dictionary in sixteen paper volumes which contains 270 000 definitions and 430 000 examples.

  • size 3.9 MB

English / French dictionary

Larousse goes mobile New English/French - French/English dictionary application for the iPhone now available from Larousse, leading dictionary and reference book publisher.- 250,000 words and phrases- 400,000 translations illustrating all nuances of meaning- Recorded pronunciation for 450,000 words and phrases (Internet access required)- 3,000 abbreviations- Proverbs, sayings and idiomatic expressions- Useful search history feature- A hypertext link on every wordThe quick search function allows you to look up words simply by keying them into your iPhone. Convenient : click on any word in the article to view the Larousse dictionary translationAlso includes full verb conjugation tables. Le plus : La conjugaison de tous les verbes ( tous les temps et tous les modes)Rapide et accessible tout moment, cette application sinstalle compltement sur votre iPhone ou iPod Touch et ne ncessite aucune connexion Internet (sauf pour les sons).Larousse Mobile, toute une bibliothque dans votre poche

  • rating 4.0
  • size 179 MB

French dictionary

Larousse is one of the world leaders in dictionaries. This application by Larousse allows the user to consult one of the most important French dictionaries on the market today. Please note: this dictionary is a specialist language dictionary and does not include proper nouns.

  • rating 4.09999
  • size 158 MB

Bescherelle Conjugaison

Bescherelle, Conjugaison, its the easy way to find the complete conjugation of a French verb using a truly efficient search engine The user can quickly access 9,600 conjugation tables, and choose to view them with the traditional spelling or the rectified spelling. Intelligent searchingThanks to the applications data entry options, you can find a particular verb: by typing only the first few letters of the verb; when typing the word with a typo or spelling error; by entering a conjugated form of the verb. A powerful applicationImmediate access Autorotation for all viewsSmooth and responsive navigationNo internet connection required to use the application A multi-lingual applicationThe application Bescherelle, Conjugaison is available in English, Spanish and German, with the user interface adapted for each corresponding language.

  • size 12.4 MB