La app de Club de Beneficios VWM tiene como objetivo mostrar informacin de los convenios que se tienen con los proveedores para el beneficio de los colaboradores y familiares del grupo Volkswagen.

Club de Beneficios #YoSoyVolkswagen alternatives

Converter Free: Convert Units And Currencies

Converter Free is an elegant and simple unit converter. Its especially designed for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch and it takes full advantage of them Offering a wide range of categories and units to convert, this is all that you would ever need from a converter Unit/Currency Converter Features: - 25+ Categories, 450+ Units - 150+ Currencies - Support of 24 Languages Available categories: Acceleration, Angle, Area, Astronomical, Cooking Volume, Data, Data Transfer, Energy, Flow, Force, Frequency, Fuel, Length, Luminance, Power, Performance, Pressure, Radiation, Speed, Temperature, Time, Torque, Typography, Volume, Weight, Currencies Available languages: English, Deutsch, Dansk, Franais, Nederlands, Magyar, Suomi , Portugus, Italiano, Espaol, , Svenska, Slovenina, Bokml, Trke, , Polski, etina, Romn, Hrvatski, , , ,

  • size 37.6 MB

Call Limiter Lite

THOUSANDS OF USERS ARE ALREADY SAVING TIME AND MONEY. AND YOU?THREE BASIC TOOLS IN ONE APP >> What this App can do for you? Your plan has a limited number of free SMS and want to keep track of sent messages.>> Main features >>- Youll love this app- Quick setup time and sound to your alert redial- You can set a vibrating alert for situations in which the audio alert is difficult to perceive.- You can also send mail or SMS messages directly from the application- All messages sent within the App are counted; you can see how many you have left or how many you spent until your next rollover day (character counter included)- Include big photos in the list of favorites- Includes counter MB, only specifies your monthly limit, the counter will be reset on your rollover day- Using a single tap on a contact you with notification call redial, double tap to call your contacts without any further notice, for those cases that do not think that is a necessary- Online Help if you have questions about how to useDO NOT WAIT, AND BE THE MASTER OF YOUR MONEY AND TIME

  • size 28.8 MB

Test de Velocidad

Movistar On

Movistar On es la app con la que puedes comprar los paquetes que necesitas para tu celular, en la cantidad y duracin que quieras. Elige tus paquetes de megas, mapas, minutos, apps de msica, video y mucho ms. Control total de tu consumo: Sabes lo que has usado y lo que te queda. *Aplica slo al registrarse por primera vez

  • size 41.2 MB