Your iPhone / iPod can also prevent the mosquitoes bites By emitting a high frequency sound inaudible to humans, mosquitoes will stay away. High frequency sound is the weak point the best known in mosquitoes and scientific studies consistently showed it. You can change the frequency of the ultrasound to make sure you find the ideal frequency (the higher the frequency is, more efficient it is)

Anti Mosquito & Insects FREE alternatives

Metal Detector EMF

Metal Detector EMF detects the presence of metal nearby. Metal detectors measure magnetic field value using a magnetic sensor that is built into your smartphone. This Magnetometer app require a magnetic sensor otherwise does not work.

  • rating 4.33333
  • size 7.9 MB

No More Mosquitoes - Effective mosquito repellent with widget

Lampe torche pour iPhone - FlashLED

La vrai lampe torche utilisant la technologie LED de votre iPhone 5, 4s, 4 & iPod touch et qui conomise la batterie avec son mode co* -Eclairage instantan du puissant flash LED integr au dos de liPhone.-Mode co* ( cran compltement teint ) pour conomiser la batterie. -Rglage de lintensit lumineuse. *Par exemple vous avec besoin dclairer une pice pendant une priode prolonge, posez votre iphone sur la surface de lcran pour que le capteur de proximit dsactive celui-ci ainsi vous conomiserez prcieusement lautonomie de votre appareil .FlashLed pro est compatible sur iPhone 5, 4s, 4 & iPod touch.

  • size 5.9 MB

Anti Mosquito Sound

Absolutely new anti mosquito app New Quality This app prevents mosquitoes from biting you by emitting high frequency ultrasound from your phone that repels them away from the source of the sound. High frequency Sounds which are beyond the hearing sense of human ears. Sonic mosquito repellent generates powerful high frequency sounds that mimic sounds of mosquitoes natural predators

  • rating 4.18557
  • size 5.9 MB