Locklizard Safeguard PDF Security!

* Downloads * Free 15 day trial http://www.locklizard.com/drm-evals/
* Viewers http://www.locklizard.com/download_pdf_viewers/
* Windows Viewer http://locklizard.com/download_pdf_viewers/#windows-viewer
* Mac Viewer http://locklizard.com/download_pdf_viewers/#mac-viewer
* iOS Viewer http://locklizard.com/download_pdf_viewers/#ios-viewer
* Android Viewer http://locklizard.com/download_pdf_viewers/#android-viewer
* Writers http://www.locklizard.com/download_pdf_writers/
* Manuals http://www.locklizard.com/manuals/
* Support * Support http://www.locklizard.com/support/
* FAQs http://www.locklizard.com/pdf_drm_faqs/

Locklizard Safeguard PDF Security alternatives

  • FileOpen RightsManager

  • FileOpen RightsManager is a client/server solution for encrypting and managing access to documents from your desktop. With RightsManager, you encrypt your documents locally, so there is no need to upload unencrypted documents to an unknown server. You maintain complete control of your source files at all times.

    tags: document-management file-encryption
  • CapLinked FileProtect

  • FileProtect provides a secure digital rights management (DRM) wrapper around all your sensitive files, including Adobe PDF and Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint). When a file is downloaded, viewers must login with secure credentials to open the file. You can also grant or restrict access permissions like viewing, editing, and printing.

    tags: digital-rights-management doctrackr document-management document-sharing drm