Live Helper Chat!

How to install? # Open source Live Support chat for your website. Web and desktop clients. Co-Browsing, XMPP notifications, GTalk, Jabber, Openfire, Skype, Chrome extension, Node.js support, MySQL, PostgreSQL Demo

Live Helper Chat alternatives

  • Mibew

  • Mibew Messenger (also known as Open Web Messenger) is an open-source live support application written in PHP and MySQL. It enables one-on-one chat assistance in real-time directly from your website.

    tags: live-chat live-support mysql php php-script
  • LiveZilla

  • LiveZilla, the Next Generation Live Help / Live Support System connects you to your website visitors. Use LiveZilla to provide Live Chats and monitor your website visitors in real-time.

    tags: customer-support helpdesk live-support live-help
  • ClickDesk

  • ClickDesk offers a magic box of live chat, voice chat, help desk and social toolbar for websites. ClickDesk is cloud-based; not needing users to download or install any software. Agents receive chats on their favorite IM such as Skype and Google Talk.The built-in voice chat functionality allows visitors to call businesses through Browser phone, Skype or the Local Access numbers available in 40 countries. The ClickDesk interface also includes a first-of-its kind social toolbar, enabling users to Tweet or like a Facebook page right from the chat window. ClickDesk recently launched an easy-to-use Help desk feature for businesses to efficiently manage support e-mails and offline chat messages; making it a complete multi-channel communication solution. ยป

    tags: voice-chat customer-support sales helpdesk customer-service
  • Visitlead Live Chat

  • Most of your online visitors are highly interesting business opportunities! They are on your site, looking for your product - right now! enables you to use this sales chances and convert them into leads - or even happy customers.

    tags: chat-clients customer-service customer-support live-chat live-help
  • LiveCall

  • In many businesses, customers need to have human interaction before making decision about order. This is where LiveCall comes in! Intuitive callback is designed to meet the expectations of even the most demanding users. With LiveCall technology you can decrease Lead Response Time to seconds!

    tags: callback-button callback-request-form click-to-call conversion-rate-optimization facebook-integration
  • eAssistance Pro

  • Engage with your online customer or visitors from any anywhere and any platform by using eAssistance Pro live chat on your website. Software has many significant features which are helpful to manage online customer and business. It is easy to install and operate. Compatible with all windows OS and also supports mobile application such as iPhone, i Pad, android, smartphone & Blackberry. Take 15 days free trial and checkout software's capability.

    tags: live-chat live-chat-support web-chat online-chat-help
  • ProProfs Chat

  • ProProfs Chat is an online live chat software that allows businesses to offer instant support to their customers and engage with their website visitors. Armed with ProProfs Chat your support team can resolve issues faster, provide quick answers to queries about your products & services and assure your customers that they are around anytime they need you. ProProfs Chat will help your support teams reduce tickets, improve customer response time and satisfaction, and ultimately increase sales and ROI. ยป

    tags: add-live-chat-to-website customer-support live-chat live-chat-for-website live-chat-support
  • Comm100 Live Chat

  • Comm100 Live Chat is an enterprise-grade live support solution that enables businesses to engage their website visitors when they need help most so as to improve conversions, sales and customer satisfaction.

    tags: customer-service customer-support help-chat live-chat live-chat-support
  • Messup Chat

  • Compact solution for implementing a chat window on a website. Chat with your website visitors!

    tags: chat-clients live-chat live-support
  • Trackaview

  • Trackaview is a PHP web script that lets you monitor and communicate with your website visitors in real time. Pinpoint what your website visitors do and when they do it. Trackaview installs on your own server so there are absolutely no recurring fees. This means you own and control all of your data. Order today, all you need is PHP and MySQL to get started!

    tags: analytics chat-clients help-chat
  • ContactGate

  • Tired of hundreds of visitors visiting your site and leaving without a trace?

    tags: chat-clients email-marketing helpdesk
  • Live Chat 3

  • It's beautiful, simple and it works! Live Chat 3 will get you closer to your website visitors and eliminates customers being stranded on your website.

    tags: captcha chat-bot contact-forms faq-automation integrated-file-sharing
  • LiveChat

  • LiveChat is powerful, but easy-in-use live chat and help desk software solution offered in a SaaS model. It helps ecommerce owners to contact website owners and convert them into buyers and keep track of the customer service communication via email.

    tags: help-chat help-desk-chat help-desk-solution helpdesk live-chat
  • HelpOnClick Live Chat

  • HelpOnClick Live Chat software is a powerful online tool that helps to connect business owners with their clients. It is a reliable SaaS software that allows chatting with customers from any location and any device that has a browser and internet connection, or simply from your iOS or Android mobile device.

    tags: live-chat live-support live-chat-support helpdesk live-chat-for-website
  • Callmaker

  • Callmaker allows your visitors to request a callback within 25 seconds from any page of your online shop. A guaranteed and automated phone connection is absolutely free for your customers worldwide.

    tags: call-tracking callback-button callback-form callback-request-form callback-request-widget