E-mail polls by Clubble!

E-mail polls by Clubble alternatives

  • SurveyMonkey

  • With thousands of customers in over 40 countries, theres a good chance that someone you know already uses us. Free:Only 10 Questions and 100 Responses. SurveyMonkey is flexible and scalable enough to meet the needs of a wide range of people: whether youre managing HR for a multi-national organization, or youre simply trying to gather feedback for your blog.

    tags: event-planning ifttt-integration market-research meeting multi-language
  • Straw Poll

  • Strawpoll.me is a very simple tool for creating online polls.

    tags: poll polling polling-tool surveys
  • xoyondo

  • xoyondo makes it easy to schedule events, create polls and start private discussions. It is free - no registration required!

    tags: create-poll event-planning message-board no-registration scheduling
  • SmartSurvey

  • SmartSurvey is an online survey software designed to help users to create and design surveys, publish them online and analyse results graphically in real-time. SmartSurvey allows users to directly reach the people whose opinions matter the most clients, partners, patients, students and suppliers. SmartSurvey specialises in providing survey solutions for multinational business and enterprise clients, offering dedicated support and secure data storage on UK/EU based servers.

    tags: multi-language offline-surveys online-service online-survey opinion
  • SurveyJS

  • Unlike the most others solutions, SurveyJS Project consists of three fully independent parts: run-time SurveyJS library, SurveyJS editor and SurveyJS service for storing and analyzing results. You may stick with the complete solution or use only a library. You may use SurveyJS service to store your results there or store them in your own storage. You may freely use SurveyJS Editor or integrate the Editor into your own web site.

    tags: javascript-library online-polls online-surveys polling-tool polls
  • poll.ly

  • Very easy to use polling tool. Every visiter can easily post their own suggestions.

    tags: surveys polls brainstorming vote suggestions
  • PollDaddy

  • With your free account from PollDaddy you can start creating surveys in minutes: Survey sharing is a Pro only feature, not included in the Free plan. Free: 10 questions per survey and 200 survey responses per month. Survey your users, customers or staff to find out what they think about your services and products. Our survey product provides a suite of powerful tools to help you dig deep into the data you collect.PollDaddy is used by the Weebly website creating service.14 languages. You can join your Polldaddy-account with your blog-account on wordpress.com. »

    tags: statistics surveys wordpress poll german
  • Engageform

  • With Engageform you can create quizzes, polls & surveys in only a few minutes. Publish them and they will look amazing on all sorts of screens.

    tags: create-poll customer-analytics export-to-excel marketers mobile-friendly
  • SurveyMoz

  • SurveyMoz is designed with the user ‘you’ in mind. It requires no previous experience or knowledge on how to create online surveys. You can create simple and advanced surveys in just a few steps.

    tags: customer-feedback employee-feedback market-research polls questionnaire
  • Vyte

  • Schedule meetings faster with Vyte.

    tags: appointment-scheduling project-scheduling resource-scheduling schedule-meeting staff-scheduling
  • EUSurvey

  • EUSurvey is the European Commission's official survey management tool. Its main purpose is to create official surveys of public opinion and forms for internal communication and staff management, e.g. staff opinion surveys and forms for evaluation or registration.

    tags: online-polls online-survey online-survey-tool poll polling-tool
  • ChilledLime

  • ChilledLime is a minimalist poll maker that converts links into rich embeds.

    tags: embed mobile-friendly poll poll-maker poll-tool
  • PollMaker

  • Creative ideas are the things you should be spending time on. Your audience doesn't care about programming, scalability, security and those kinds of things. We build free tools that ensure you're thinking about how to engage and entertain your audience. They're so easy to use you can forget about the stuff that doesn't add value.

    tags: poll polling-tool poll-maker poll-tool
  • StickPoll

  • Easiest and fastest way to create a poll. Stickpoll allows you to create an online poll in seconds!

    tags: survey-tool surveys poll polls vote