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PopKorn believes in Playing is Learning. ->PopKorn concepts align with Common Core Curriculum. PopKorn has a basket of 150 Interactive games and 100 Audio Visual Assessments that caters to reading skills and number skills for 3 levels, where Beginner level is for Age group of 3+, Level 1 is for Age group of 4+ and level 2 is for Age group of 5+ Find our skill matrix, mentioned belowReading SkillsBeginner Level - 3+ years-Identifying Letter Name -Learning Phonic Sounds -Sorting Capital and Small Letters -Tracing of Letters-Sorting letter and Sound-Matching Objects to the Phonic Sound -Letter-Picture Association -Identifying Beginning Sound Level 1 - 4+ years-Know Phonic Sounds-Differentiating Consonants and Vowels-CVC word (3 letter words) Formation-Decoding CVC Words-Short Vowel Sounds -Classifying CVC words (family wise)-Reading & Writing CVC words -Rhyming Words-Sight Words-Short Sentences -Comprehending Pictures -Reading & Listening (CVC words)Level 2 -5+ years-Recalling 3 letter Words-Blending of two letters as in Blends-Difference Between Blends and Digraphs-Consonant Digraphs-Sounds of Vowel Digraphs-Long Vowel Sounds-Picture-word Association-Decoding of 4 to 5 letter Words-Understanding Magic e Words-Identifying r Controlled Vowels -Sight Words-Frame Sentences -Comprehending PicturesNumber SkillsBeginner Level - 3+ years-Number Awareness -Recognition of Numerals (0 to 10)-Understanding Value of each Numeral-Rote and Rational Counting-Number Sequence (0 to 10)-Matching and Sorting of Numbers for Various Combinations -Number -Value AssociationLevel 1 - 4+ years-Counting Numbers (till 50) & Number Operations (0 t0 10)-Rote & Rational Counting -Number Sequence-Counting up by 1 is Forward Counting -Counting down by 1 is Backward Counting-Concept of Number line -Identifying Missing Numbers -Use of Ordinal Numbers-Comparison of Numbers to develop Analytical Thinking -Understanding of Greater than, less than and Equal to-Arranging Ascending and Descending Orders -Understanding and Application of Addition in Day to Day Life -Understanding and Application of Subtraction in Day to Day Life Level 2 - 5+ years-Counting Numbers (till 100) & Number Operations (0 t0 50)-Rote & Rational Counting -Basic to Complex Counting -Counting up by 1 is Forward Counting -Counting down by 1 is Backward Counting-Concept of Number line -Identifying Missing Numbers -Skip Counting-Use of Ordinal Numbers-Comparison of Numbers to develop Analytical Thinking -Understanding of Greater than, less than and Equal to-Arranging Ascending and Descending Orders -Understanding of Place Value -Understanding and Application of Addition in Day to Day Life -Understanding and Application of Subtraction in Day to Day LifeExplore More with PopKorn