
Piwigo for iPhone/iPad/iPod supplements the photo gallery software in the cloud Piwigo (v2.7 or higher): Browse your albums, Create new albums, Delete, move and rename albums, Edit, download and delete photos & videos, Set a photo as album image, Upload photos: - of modifiable size and quality, - with description, author, tags, EXIF metadata, - with or without GPS metadata. Upload videos. Feedback or questions ?Piwigo offers free support at http://piwigo.org/forum and wed love to hear from you.

Host and share your photos with Piwigo Piwigo is photo gallery software for the web, built by an active community of users and developers. Extensions make Piwigo easily customizable. Icing on the cake, Piwigo is free and opensource. Browse the demo http://piwigo.org/demo
to discover Piwigo features on gallery side and change graphical theme on the fly. Download Piwigo 2.8.6 released on January 27th 2017 basics/downloads Bring me to the download page! * **Albums**. Organize your photos in your album tree, with no limit in depth. * **Tags**. Describe photos and find all of them tagged with night + Paris + John. * **Themes and Plugins**. Change appearance and add countless features. * **Privacy**. Make your photos private and decide who can see each of them. more features...