iShia Books!

iShia-Books provides users with and easy and full-featured access to Ahl-ul Bayt Library books plus other books available on Shia Online Library. There are no extra charges for viewing, downloading or getting updated content, user is notified if any of the downloaded content is updated and can opt to update the content on his/her device. Arabic and Farsi are available right now and English will be available in the next release.3-Download Management: books are downloaded as soon as being browsed or user can batch download them at will.4-Book list by category, title, author, publisher or source, with the ability to filter the language of displayed book (Arabic/Farsi/English).5- FULL TEXT SEARCH + Searches multiple fields in book list.6-Book navigation through TOC.7-View book pages in a simple and useable fashion, and navigate easily.8-Shows indexes provided by Qadatona Content Search Engine inline, and quick transfer to to show the search result for the selected keyword in other Shia sites.9-Navigate to cross references in footnotes.10- Bookmarks, manageable for individual books or globally.