
iPromptU is a free application for iPhone that can serve as a Cognitive Behavior Therapy homework tool. Core Features: - Displays any question, or series of questions, and prompts the user for written or dictated answers- Saves responses so user can email them to therapist or researcher- User can initiate prompting immediately, as they would with a coping card or worksheet- Researchers and therapists can set prompting to occur at truly random time intervals, for truly random time sampling- All prompts are 100% customizable, and can be presented singly or in sequential or random order- Researcher or therapist can install a security password to prevent alteration by the user- Capable of virtually any non-branching Ecological Momentary Assessment or Descriptive Experience Sampling research- Capable of recording any CBT Activity Schedule, Thought Record, or Worksheet in the real world- Clean, no-nonsense user interface