iElements - Periodic Table of The Chemical Elements!

This application is a SIMPLE periodic table of the chemical elements. AboutThe periodic table of the chemical elements is a tabular display of the chemical elements. Name, Element categoryGroup, Standard atomic weightElectron configurationElectrons per shellPhase, Density (near r.t.)Liquid density Melting point Boiling point Heat of fusion Heat of vaporization Specific heat capacity (25 C) Oxidation states Electronegativity Ionization energiesAtomic radius Covalent radius Van der Waals radius Crystal structure Magnetic ordering Electrical resistivity (20 C)Thermal conductivity (300 K) Thermal expansion (25 C) Speed of sound (thin rod) Youngs modulus Shear modulus Bulk modulus Poisson ratio Mohs hardness Brinell hardness CAS registry number Note: iAd supported application.