
fireWeather is a weather App for your iPhone/iPod/iPad with a difference.fireWeather is designed for foresters, farmers and other people who deal with forestry and farming fires as well as other wildfires, but can be used by anyone. Now you have a Fire Danger Rating at your fingertips along with the current weather. Please visit our website to contact us, report problems and request new features Features: - Universal App (proper support for iPhones and iPads).- Simple and clear display of important weather conditions- Clear display of fire danger rating based on current weather conditions- Background using either images or fire danger rating based on weather conditions for high impact.- Customisable details settings colors based on fire danger rating.- Information for your current location and you can add other cities so you can see the weather for many locations.- Current day forecast- Additional days forecast- Fire danger rating included in forecasts- South African Fire Danger Rating system- Map to display your weather locations details.- Multiple sources for weather data, you can select your preferred provider.- FDR Calculator so you can calculate the FDR and view how changing weather conditions affects the FDR.- FDR Chart to view the FDR ranges and details.