
easyNag is a simple and easy to use app which gives you quick access to your Nagios, Icinga, Thruk/Naemon, or Check_MK monitoring system. Setup:Just add a new instance with the URL of your monitoring system, your username and password. URL scheme:Open host: easynag://?host=HOST&instance=EASYNAG_INSTANCE_NAMEOpen service: easynag://?host=HOST&service=SERVICE&instance=EASYNAG_INSTANCE_NAMEAcknowledge host: easynag://?host=HOST&instance=EASYNAG_INSTANCE_NAME&action=ackAcknowledge service: easynag://?host=HOST&service=SERVICE&instance=EASYNAG_INSTANCE_NAME&action=ackFor further help, check out the FAQs at our website.