Documents Unlimited Suite for iPhone - Editor for OpenOffice and Microsoft Office Word & Excel Files!

Documents Unlimited for iPhone allows you to view and edit almost any document format including Microsoft Office and OpenOffice documents on your iPhone. On your iPhone, you can view, edit and create Microsoft file formats including Word, Excel & PowerPoint documents. If you are unsure, you can email us your non-confidential document to our support email to help you test if the app can open the documents successfully for you.- is a registered trademark of Oracle.- LibreOffice is a trademark of The Document Foundation.- Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.- The Documents Unlimited app is not affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by LibreOffice, OpenOffice or Microsoft- Documents Unlimited is a cloud based and hosted solution for the popular LibreOFfice suite and requires users to be online for its editing features.- If you are interested in using LibreOffice on desktop computers, please visit