Currency! Free!

Currency Free is a handy converter giving you a complete overview of the current exchange rate for every world currency, the top 10 Cryptocurrency coins such as Bitcoin and 4 precious metals. Conversion between multiple currencies is quick and easy thanks to a simple and user-friendly design. Convert while traveling and in roaming- Exchange rate updates every 5 minutes- Easy navigation with simple UI- Regular updates and features addedWe support: - Over 180 national currencies- Top 10 Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin (BTC), LiteCoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), PeerCoin (PPC), MasterCoin (MSC), NXT, NameCoin (NMC), QuarkCoin (QRK), WorldCoin (WDC), MegaCoin (MEC), AuroraCoin (AUR), DogeCoin (DOGE), Feathercoin (FTC), Primecoin (XPM)