Zendone for GTD!

Zendone is a task management app based on GTD (Getting Things Done), the popular productivity method by David Allen. - 100% based on the GTD method and vocabulary- Seamless integration with Evernote and Google Calendar- Each piece where it belongs with explicit support for GTD lists: projects, next actions, calendar actions, waiting for, someday/maybe list, ticklers- Explicit support for GTD inbox processing. - Active community of GTD and productivity practitioners: https://community.zendone.comIf generic todo software is not making it for you, maybe its time for a change You can find out more about Zendone and GTD on www.zendone.com.

Download touch apps https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zendone-2/id1087261782?mt
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com.zendone.Touch&hl en Download desktop apps https://itunes.apple.com/app/zendone-for-gtd/id1141629780