Vert S!

Vert S is an alternative version of critically acclaimed Vert - unit and currency converter. If you are looking for a converter which will provide a super fast conversion, than this is your baby. If your time is precious to you - this app is a must have on your iOS device USABILITY ADVANCED SEARCH feature - find units by name or code, find currencies also by country Have your FAVORITE CONVERSIONS always at hand: create them fast and simple Interactive HISTORY CHART FOR CURRENCIES to monitor their yearly volatility AUTOMATIC CURRENCY ADJUSTMENT by country Choose how you want to launch the app (with favourite, history, search or last conversion screen) For best ACCURACY formula based converting is used OFFLINE conversions CALCULATOR at hand [ + - ] Automatic decimal place adjustment Conversion HISTORY log Super fast experience Apple Watch supportCONTENT OVER 800 UNITS 168 CURRENCIES AND PRECIOUS METALS with automatic updates COMPOUND units (e.g. foot + inch, pound + ounce) UNLIMITED SPACE TO ADD CUSTOM UNITS of your choiceUSER INTERFACE OPTIMIZED for iPhone and iPad SIMPLICITY in the service of efficiency INTUITIVE usage Clean and PIXEL-PERFECT design Personalisation to suit your needs A light and a dark themeCOMING SOON: iCloud support (to sync and backup favorite conversions and history across your iOS devices)Have a question, comment or want to discuss the meaning of life?