Unit Converter - 37 convert units (Currency & metric converter, etc...)!

Unit Converter is a simple, smart and elegant tool with more than 30 categories of units that are used in daily life. This is the only Unit Converter App in Appstore that has such a wide range of Unit conversion features with very simple and optimized user interface. - Time Zone Calculator with day light savings and accurate time differences calculations.- Has most important conversion tools that are used in daily life including Fuel Calculations, Temperature, Volume, Speed, Weight, Computer Storage, Angle, Power, Viscosity, Force, Energy, Torque, Density and much more + Built-In Calculator to perform basic arithmetic operations on the fly while using the unit converter.+ Built-In Search functionality.+ Supports both Metric and Imperial Units+ A Feature to add and customize Favorite Units.+ A Feature to add your own Custom Unit Conversions.+ First ever Unit Conversion App to feature and support Latest Material design.+ More than 30 Important Unit Categories+ All the cool features for available absolutely free of cost with no restrictions.