UVI Mate - Global UV Index Now!

Protect yourself and your family from Ultraviolet Radiation(UV) with UVI Mate Track the UV Index around the globe, stay sunburn free and have a safe time outdoors with accurate 6 hour UV Forecast, UV alarms, SPF recommendations based on your skin type and more Reduce your risk of melanoma and stay protected in the sun SUN SAFETY COACHBased on your skin type, well calculate the time of the day you should apply sunscreen protection as well as the estimated time until you begin to burn to help you manage your outdoor activities. Enjoy having fun in the sun and leave the worrying to us Our sun safety advice is tailored to your specific skin type, so well give you the most accurate information and advice possible to keep you and your family safe in the sun APPLE WATCH INTEGRATIONYoull be able to use most of our sun safety features on your Apple Watch Now you can go to the beach and you dont have to worry about looking at your phone the whole time. FOLLOW US:www.facebook.com/uvimatewww.twitter.com/uvimateWeather data provided by OpenWeatherMapUV Index data provided by UVIMate Project: https://uvimate.herokuapp.comRead more about our privacy policy here: https://uvimate.herokuapp.com/privacypolicy.htmDOWNLOAD UVI MATE FREE TODAY & STAY SAFE IN THE SUN