Stocks Pro : Real-time stock!

StockPro - The most comprehensive stock app in the mobile world. Brings you free streaming live quotes, pre-market/after-hour quotes, portfolio monitoring, advanced full screen chart, push notification based alert, economic news, event/earnings calendar, market signal scans and many more StockPro is identical to the Full Version of Real-time Stock Tracker, DO NOT download if you already purchased full version from Real-time Stock Tracker. 1min, 5min, 15min chart MACD,RSI,Bollinger bands, Stochastic More than 50 technical indicators and overlays - Portfolio tracker - Create unlimited portfolios Added unlimited positions to existing portfolio Cash management Delete/Re-order your portfolio and positions Gain/Loss summary per portfolio Gain/Loss details per position Realized Gain/Loss and Gain/Loss summary in transaction log Import portfolios from goog/yahoo finance - Alerts - Setup unlimited push notification based alert Backed by our streaming quote engine, alerts are run/triggered in seconds Setup simple alerts based on price, price change/percent, volume Trailing stop alert Price on home screen (badge) - Exchange supported - USA/CA NYSE, NASDAQ, ASE, CBT, CME, NYB, CMX, NYM, OBB, PK, TOR, VAN Europe AMS, BAR, BER, BIL, CPH, DUS, EBS, FRA, GER, HAM, HAN, LSE, MAD, MCE, MIL, MUN, OSL, PAR, STO, STU, SWX, VIE Asia Pac ASX, BSE, CPH, HKG, JKT, KOE, KSE, NSI, NZE, SES, SHH, SHZ, TAI, TLV, TWO - News and economic events - RSS news reader Earnings calendar Dividend calendar Economic event calendar * real-time quotes for USA stocks only