Space Station (ISS)!

ISS is part of the Sat series of applications (ISS, HamSat and ProSat) and is a visualization/utility application that allows you to see the location of the International Space Station and other associated satellites (Soyuz, Progress, PSSC) in realtime over the Earth (up to six satellites may be tracked simultaneously). NOTE: NORAD only updates their elements once a day so rendezvous operations will be accurate pre-chase but until NORAD updates the elements for the rendezvous vehicles state (within 24hrs) the position will look incorrect post dock. In the case of the satellite calculations, you can further specify whether the overflight times should take into account optimal ground viewing characteristics (meaning the satellite is lit, the ground is dark and the max elevation is greater than 10 degrees)If you want access to more satellites then please check out either HamSat (satellites specific to Amateur Radio operators) or ProSat (includes access to 700+ satellites)Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming,-Craig