Smile Alarm ~ 10 Games!

#1 productivity app in more than 50 countries with over 650,000 downloads Only for those who value their time Featured on BuzzFeeds list of 18 Apps Every College Student Should Download Right Now Defeat the snooze button by playing fun brain-refreshing games in order to turn the alarm off The most innovative and fun alarm in the AppStore is perfect for those who want to get up early Waking up in the morning is no longer a mission Studies show that those who get up by 7 AM are generally healthier, happier, and more successful. And really, just imagine how much will your life improve if you wake up early each morning You can learn new skills, exercise more, start the day more energized and relaxed, read the latest news before everybody else, have some time of your own or simply watch the sunrise :) So, instead of hitting the snooze button over and over again, why not get yourself out of bed and do something nice for yourself? Love it And now I get up on time Hit the ground running with this alarm Its one of the most useful apps available Kick start your morning by using this app If youre a sleepy head like me, this works best This app is amazing It wakes me up every day to a brand new song, and the puzzles really do refresh your mind It just works perfectly I love it So, take it now and start experiencing all the benefits of being an early riser