
With SensorLog you can read out sensor data of your iOS device and save it as csv file, stream sensor data via tcp/ip, or send sensor data as HTTP GET/POST request. SensorLog also supports logging, streaming, and sending while it is running in background. Sensor data of your iOS device can be sampled with up to 100Hz (depending on the version of your iOS device and fore or background mode, max update rate via HTTP request 1 second).The following data of the iOS framework is provided by SensorLog:- CLLocation: latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, course, verticalAccuracy, horizontalAccuracy, floor- CLHeading: heading.x, heading.y, heading.z, trueHeading, magneticHeading, headingAccuracy- CMAccelerometer: acceleration.x, acceleration.y, acceleration.z- CMGyroData: rotationRate.x, rotationRate.y, rotationRate.z- CMDeviceMotion: yaw, roll, pitch, rotationRate, userAcceleration, attitudeReferenceFrame, quaternions, gravity, magneticField, magneticField.accuracy- AVAudioRecorder: peakPower, averagePower (decibels)iPhone 5S and following:- CMMotionActivity: Activity, activity.startDate, activity.confidence- CMPedometer: numberOfSteps, startDate, distance, endDateiPhone 6 / iPhone 6Plus and following:- CMPedometer: numberOfSteps, startDate, distance, endDate, floorsAscended, floorsDescended - CMAltimeter: relativeAltitude, pressure SensorLog additionally supports:- logging of WIFI and network carrier IP addresses - logging of the device orientation- logging of battery level- tagging of the logged data with numerical values