Scuba LogBook!

* Check your dive state. (Total Dive Time, Average Dive Time, Longest Dive, Max. Water Temperature Dive, Chart Months, Chart Year)* Get GPS Site Map where you dove (automatic address system)* Manage your equipments (image, serial number, last service date)* Check your dive profile(Diving graph)* Make your own photo album* Share your divelog with your friend on Facebook* Many Charts show(Divetype, Equipment, Dive Depth, Dive Time, Marine Life)* Make your own Marin life Dictionary* Backup with DropBox* Unit support (Meter/Feet/bar/psi/kg/lbs/Celsious/Fahrenheit/Liter/cu ft)* Sync with Windows Desktop program Diving Log* Scuba, Diving, Logbook, Scuba Diving, Dive, Log, skin scuba