Sci:Pro Calculator!

Sci:Pro Calculator is a simple multi-mode calculator for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch (Universal App). The app features three modes of operation: Basic, Scientific, and Programmer. Mode (Degrees, Radians) Exponent Functions (2^x, 10^x, x^y, x, x e^x) Root Functions (, , xy) Logarithmic Functions (Log2, Log10, Ln) Other Functions (random, Exponent, Factorial, 1/x) Numerical Constants (, e)Programmer Mode: 64 bit Integer Values Radix Modes & Conversion (Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal) Integer Math Functions (+, -, , , MOD) Bitwise Operators (AND, OR, NOR, XOR) Bit Shift and Rotate (Single & Multiple bit) Signed Number Operations (1s & 2s Complement) Byte-Flip, Word-Flip Bit Count Random Integer Parentheses Keys (Expression Grouping/Nesting) Full-time Binary View (iPad Only) Encoding Views (ASCII, Unicode, RGB) Multiple Copy Formats (Binary, Hex, Decimal, ASCII, Unicode, RGB value) Multiple Paste Formats (Decimal, Hex, Octal, and Binary values)