MORE THAN 120,000 DOWNLOADS scriptus was already an extraordinary and innovative text editor app for iPad that deserves to be better-known than it is, and its now even better scriptus is like an iOS notepad on steroids, with a raft of cool features unmatched by many ostensibly full-featured iOS text editors. Just-released version 3.0 makes it even more extraordinary especially for writers and others who work a lot with text-macprices.netIn summary, I really like scriptus, in fact Im kinda blown away by it, and I anticipate that its going to become one of my composition platform mainstay tools.- technologytell.comDer gute alte Notizblock hat ausgedient: Die iPad-App scriptus lsst Sie alle Ihre Ideen bequem auf dem Apple-Tablet sammeln und festhalten - entweder in Textform oder als Audioaufnahme. - Applatter.comWrite quick and beautiful notes:Audio and text notes;Simple interface and easy to use;Forward delete button;Search text;Text to speech in multiple languages, rate and pitch;Statusbar On and Off;Auto-Capitalization On and Off;Auto-Correction On and Off;Several themes with different background and text color;Choose between all available iOS fonts to display your notes;Extra shortcut keys in keyboard for easy text input, as well as buttons to create enumerations;Emoji support;Saves audio even with the application in background;Autosave feature: no need to save your notes;Control the screen brightness without leaving the application;Undo/Redo system;Increase/Decrease the text;Two fingers to move cursor and three to select text;Multiple ways to export your notes ( print , copy , email, text, TXT, PDF, facebook, twitter, Weibo, open in, Wi-Fi, iTunes, Message, Airdrop);Copy you notes to your computer via iTunes;Supports all orientations;Share notes over a local Wi-Fi HTTP server;Synchronize notes with Dropbox;22 beautiful page themes;42 beautiful app background themes;New design and interface;External keyboard support;Word and character count;Use the marker below cursor to quickly place the cursor in another part of the text;