Retina Wallpapers HD - 640x960 Wallpapers and Backgrounds!

With thousands of 640x1136/640x960 HD wallpapers specifically designed for iPhone4/iPhone 5 Retina display, this is the best background app for you Get it today for FREE and enjoy all the crystal clear backgrounds It also supports iPhone 2G/3G/3GS and iPod Touch. Features:- Crystal clear wallpapers specifically designed for iPhone5/iPhone4 Retina display- Lots of categories, such as Cars, Landscapes, Flowers, Plants, Animals, Holidays and many more - More retina wallpapers are being added.- Filter by categories- Browse by popularity, recent or random- Fast speed and easy navigation- Polished UI, beautiful designWe are always adding new backgrounds, dont forget to check back FAQ:- How to change background/wallpaper? If you have any questions regarding the content, contact us through [email protected].