Real Estate Marketplace!

The Real Estate Marketplace app delivers up-to-date home listings for sale and rent in the greater Cape Fear and Fayetteville, NC area, combined with the most powerful search tools. With extensive mapping capabilities and fast response time, Real Estate Marketplace will help you find the ideal home that meets your criteria and automatically finds the near misses that enable you to balance your needs. Download and start your search today Key Features: * Fast Custom Search: Instantly find homes with adjustable filters like location, price, bedrooms, bathrooms or size that put your preferences first* Full Screen Photos: Vivid photos from the exterior and interior of the homes are posted so you know exactly what your dream home will look like* Exact and Close Matches: Find homes that meet your criteria and also find homes that closely meet your criteria in the order that matters most to you* Connect with Agents: Quickly contact agents for any listings you are interested in* Interactive Maps: Feel free to zoom in and out of the neighborhood so you know what is close by and define your own ideal geography by drawing your own shapes* Anytime, Anywhere Access: For house buyers who are on the go, access information on our listings anywhere from your device* Open House Listings: Find out when open houses are in the area For real estate agents:* Connect with clients* See what your clients see