
An Enterprise App that streamlines the process of field inspection, observation, assessment, and data collection reports for: - Construction Projects- Real Estate Assessment- Post Disaster Management- Manufactured Product EvaluationsRapport allows a user to take photos and voice record conditions with a phone as they walk through either a single building, a campus of multiple buildings, or even a broader area of interest. The App is optimized to use voice recognition for report entry. The user can have a completed, formatted, and distributed report (with fully annotated photos) in real time as they leave the sitewithout typing or keying in a single wordRapport solves the following industry problems:- Remove barriers to properly document the conditions of a project or building- Improve communication among project team members- Satisfy regulatory conditions for Inspections and Observations- Increase the quality controls and quality assurance of a project- Streamline accountability among all project stakeholders- Mobilize teams to gather vital perishable post disaster data- Document post event conditions quickly and accurately- Record Product quality testing.