Radio SG - Singapore Radio Stations!

Celebrate Singapores jubilee with this special SG50 Edition of Radio SG This edition displays images of Singapore whenever album artwork is not available. Finally, a radio app that Singaporeans deserve. 93.3FM, 938LIVE, Warna 94.2FM, Class 95 FM, Capital 95.8FM, Expat Radio 96.3 XFM, Oli 96.8FM, Love 97.2FM,Power 98 FM, 987FM, Lush 99.5FM, UFM 100.3Key features Tune in to all 19 local stations Ridiculously gorgeous design Song title and artist name displayed whenever provided by station Album artwork displayed when available Song metadata displayed on lockscreen Background playback Supports headphones remote and Apple Watch Share what youre listening to via Facebook, Twitter or email Purchase songs with direct links to iTunes Direct selection of station via station list Set station presets and skip through unwanted stations while browsing with forward and back buttons