QR Manutec!

QR Manutec is an offline-first barcode (all barcodes supported, not only QR) archive and server sync app. You can use this app for tracking purposes, as every scan is geolocalized and timestamped. From your web server side, you can implement the CHECK function as the following guidelines, to make it work with the app:- client side it will call the check function for every scan with a POST, passing the unique scan identifier- your server has to query its database, search for that unique value, and i found should send back a string with this pattern: CHECK:+unique id+|+long description+&+short description (the icon in the app will change accordingly)- in case the server wants to delete the scan, it should reply with this pattern: CHECK:+unique id+|+DELETE (the icon in the app will change accordingly)- in case the user click the Cancel Scan, in the send post there will be a field note with the text: ASKDEL, in this case, if the server responds with: ASKDEL:+unique id+|+&, the scan will be deleted in the client (the icon in the app will change accordingly)- if the server replies with this pattern: NOTE:+unique id+|+&, will mark the scan as there are notes (the icon in the app will change accordingly)