QR Code Reader from Kaywa - SCAN, TAP AND BROWSE!

Kaywa Reader is lightning-fast and easy-to-use; it is simply the most beautiful QR Code scanner around. It is also the only one that lives by the saying , a picture is worth a thousand words. If you are having any issue with our QR reader app, please let us know at [email protected].

and a paid QR Management platform QR Codes come in two types, either static or dynamic. We always recommend to use dynamic codes. Static code simply encode the information. With Kaywa you can create an unlimited number of static QR Codes free of charge. More interesting are dynamic codes and our QR MGMT only stores these. Dynamic codes can be changed, tracked and they are ideal for scanning with a mobile phone. # QR MANAGEMENT PLANS & PRICING * Number of Account Users * Number of Dynamic QR Codes * Number of Static QR Codes * Number of Scans * Download as PNG, PDF & EPS * QR Code Tracking * Design QR Codes DIY (PNG * Design Codes custom-made (EPS* * Campaign Tracking * Exportable Reporting (Excel * Multiple URL * Custom Hash * Custom URL * Bulk Code Crea