PrepFlash - Automatically Create Flashcards!

PrepFlash Automatically Generate Study Aids from Any Content Snap an image of a textbook page and PrepFlash automatically generates fill-in-the-blank flashcards, multiple-choice practice quizzes, and true/false practice exams. Students and corporate training groups can use PrepFlash to prepare for exams and certification test, and learn product content to increase sales. The Ed Tech Roundup College Students Upload Content to Study and Learn- Upload class notes, chapters for e-books, and URL content- Share multiple-choice exams, vocabulary flashcards - Automatically sync study aid content between your iPhone, laptop, and desktop computers- Study on the go- Share your practice exam and quiz questions with other students Industry and Business Training- Upload new sales training and product content from PDF documents- Snap an image of a product brochure or restaurant menu and automatically create training material Educators, Instructors, and Professor Automatically Create Exams- Modify and customize the fill-in-the-blank, multiple-choice, and true/false quiz questions that are automatically generated- Copy and paste new quiz and exam content into your own documents