
Poynt lets you find and connect with businesses, movies, restaurants, people and events near you whenever and wherever you need them. Then, with a single swipe, share your results with friends. * Movies search by theater, movie, top 10 or genre; sort by name or rating; view trailers; view movie rankings; add to calendar; send details to contacts; buy movie tickets* Restaurants Search by name, cuisine type or nearby; click-to-call; get directions; view website; view hours and prices; reserve a table* Gas Prices (US/Canada/UK ONLY) view best prices by grade or stations nearby; click-to-call; get directions; view station amenities; send details to contacts* Events search by category, venue, performer, event or nearby; get directions; send details to contacts; add events to calendar* People lookup by name or reverse lookup by phone number or address; click-to-call; get directions; send details to contacts* Businesses search by name; get directions; click to call; add details to contacts* In-App Search tap to reveal the search wheel and a new world of content: media, people, restaurants, movies, videos, events, and gas stations* Sharing share any search result with your friends via a simple finger swipe to the right; share to Facebook, Twitter or via SMS and emailHappy Poynting