Payoff Calc!

Payoff Calc is a loan calculator that provides a unique comparison view of your loan balances before and after you apply additional principal payments, enabling you to easily compare the monthly time and cost savings at your fingertips. If you have already made prepayments on your loan, Payoff Calc can show you the adjusted payoff date in addition to the savings and new payoff date for any subsequent extra payments that you make. Features: User interface is clean and simple Large numeric keypad allows easy entry of values Shake-to-reset function lets you clear all values Last calculation is automatically saved so that loan information is available even after restarts All amounts are rounded to the nearest cent Extra Payment Options allows you to try out various payment scenarios to pay off your loan early and save money in interest Comparison Table displays the loan balance for each payment period based on the Original Schedule, Current Schedule (different from Original if extra payments were made in the past), and Current Schedule with Extra Payments (what-if scenarios) options Amortization Table displays each payment details, including payment amount, interest paid, principal paid, remaining balance, date, and the number of remaining payments Compounding Period option allows you to select different interest accrual periods Email option lets you export and email loan summary and tables