PLM MarketPlace!

PLM MarketPlace application for iPhone allows you to discover and get information on more than 150 complementary solutions to Dassault Systmes CATIA, DELMIA, ENOVIA, SIMULIA and 3DVIA. You can carry a wide portfolio of solutions right in your pocket and access to technical information, even when you are not connected to the internet Users and resellers are given the unique opportunity to share, learn and interact around the most comprehensive PLM configurations, no matter where they are Key features of the PLM MarketPlace application for iPhone:- Have access to software, hardware and services solutions- Browse the catalog of complementary solutions by industry, usage, job or provider- Get products descriptions, snapshots, videos and much more- Follow our latest RSS news and read our business blog right from your iPhone- Keep in touch with the Community thanks to a direct access to our LinkedIn group, Youtube channel and Twitter accountWhenever, wherever, you are one finger-click away from interacting with the PLM community (users, Dassault Systmes, resellers, solutions providers) For additional business information or request for quotation, please visit .More about Dassault Systmes PLM MarketPlace: PLM MarketPlace allows you to complement a Dassault Systmes configuration (CATIA, DELMIA, ENOVIA, SIMULIA and 3DVIA) with more than 150 certified solutions. Almost 100 Dassault Systmes Value Added Resellers are part of the program on a worldwide basis, delivering configurations always more comprehensive to their customers.