PDF Creator - PowerPoint edition!

Convert your PowerPoint presentations to PDF and share them with anyone. The PDF format ensures that your presentations will stay intact and be visible on any device. The newly converted file will then be downloaded to your iPhone or iPad.-Absolutely no limits on file size or number of conversions.-The new presentation in PDF format has the exact same look and feel as the like original.-Documents are optimized for viewing on any platform (mobile, desktop, etc).-Works with ppt and pttx formats.-Fast and easy, wont drain battery or resources.-Your file is deleted from our server right after the conversion ends.

Unlisted documents are not part of your public directory and are visible only to people who have a direct link to the document. 3. **Is there a download limit?** Cometdocs doesn't have a download limit, however, for free users we reserve the right to limit it in the case of server overloads. 1. **What does Premium service offer me?**