Orchestral Strings Scale Tool (Violin, Cello, Viola, Double Bass)!

60 Scales Fingerboard Reference with AudioOrchestral Strings Scale Tool is an app for any violinist who wish to develop a greater music understanding of playing scales. Packed with 60 scales ranging from the common (Major and Minor) to the exotic (Egyptian and mongolian) scales. For musicians who want to expand their scales knowledge, this app is for you Scales includedmajormelodic minorharmonic minornatural minorioniandorianphrygianlydianmixolydianaeolianlocrianbluesdiminished (halftone - wholetone)diminished (wholetone - halftone)whole tonemajor pentatonicminor pentatonicaugmentedleading whole tonedouble harmonicovertonesix tone symmetricalalteredaltered bb7enigmaticdorian b2augmented lydianlydian b7mixolydian b6locrian 2locrian 6augmented ioniandorian #4major phrygianlydian #9diminished lydianminor lydianarabianbalinesebyzantinechinesemongolianegyptianeight tone spanishhinduhirajoshihungarian majorhungarian minor (gipsy)ichikosuchokumoimohammedanneopolitanneopolitan majorneopolitan minorpelogpersianprometheusprometheus neopolitanpurvi thetatodi theta