Openstack Mobile Client - MStackPro!

Openstack Mobile Client for iPhone/iPad - MStackProEasy and simple to manage your Openstack cloud from anywhere at any time, MStack support openstack cloud platform version Icehouce or above version, it use openstack open API to access and manage your cloud environment, the app do not need additional register or other actions as long as your iPhone/iPad have network connection to your openstack cloud environment. Current Features:Drop advertisement, performance enhanced and add new feathers than free versionSupport multiple tenants and multiple regions, easy to switch and manage your resources in other tenants/regions at any timeView resource usage summaryCreate,view,delete,start,stop instances, view instance console logs, associate,disassociate floatingip to your instance. View image name,size etc properties View flavor VCPU,RAM size etc propertiesCreate,view,delete security group and security group rulesCreate,import,delete keypair, save private key to safe place by emailCreate,delete,associate,disassociate floatingipCreate,delete,edit network Create,view,edit,delete subnetCreate,view,edit,delete router, add,delete,view router interface set/clear router gateway