OTP m-banking!

Keep the bank in your phone The new OTP m-banking applications for Iphone Use the services of OTP Bank any time and any place, regardless of bank work hours and with minimum costs Now you can also use your mobile phone for: overview of all current, deposit and credit accounts as well as payment cards,overview of account turnover and other details related to all accounts and payment cards,internal transfers in RSD and FX,external payments from RSD current accounts,overview of executed transfers and payments,exchange rate overview,FX purchase/sale,creating transfer or payment order templates,contacting the Bank related to particular products,using informational credit and deposit calculators,using the OTP Bank branch/basic branch and ATM locator, How to become a user of this OTP Bank service? Very simple. Svoje finansije putem mobilnog telefona uz pristup internetu (mreni internet ili WiFi) moete proveravati i kontrolisati sa bilo kog mesta, u svako doba dana i noi