Mystery of Haunted Hollow 2: Point & Click Games!

The Mystery of Haunted Hollow 2 continues the story which left off in the town of Hollow You arrive in the Village of Nightfall, tired, dreary, but ready to pursue this new endeavor you are on a quest and determined to the solve new and intriguing puzzles that lie before you, & escape this town to learn the final truth, and meaning of your true destinyThe adventure continues in the Mystery of Haunted Hollow 2 in the Village of Nightfall. You arrive in the dreary and foggy town, drenched in rain, and the thunder and lightning clap in the distance, making you feel more cautious as you trek down the long pathNew discoveries will be made, and unusual stories will be told as the final truth is unveiled. Addictive Gameplay & Compelling Storyline:You will want to play this game again after reading the stories, and seeing the final ending there are many players who have said they loved playing this game repeatedly to read the stories, enjoy the adventure, and get lost in adventure and exploration.