My Little Pony: Pinkie Pie's Sister!

Languages include: English, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian and Chinese. Could anypony be more excitable, more energetic, or more playful than Pinkie Pie? Key Features: Starring ALL your Ponyville favoritesPinkie Pie, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, , Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity Introducing a new Pony - the mysterious Maud Pie Interactive MY LITTLE PONY action and voices on every page Read to Me and Read Along modes for all levels of early and emerging readers New and advanced vocabulary highlighted and sounded out on each page Includes a Sight Word practice section Auto Play Feature that brings the story and animations to life Includes English, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and RussianDesigned to deliver these Learning Goals:Early and emergent literacy New vocabulary Expanding early reading skills Increasing reading comprehension