Mnemo Major System Trainer!

The Major System is an effective method for encoding numbers into images. Using this mnemonic technique, remembering a sequence of numbers is highly improved compared to simple memorization. Features:INTUITIVELY DESIGNED LEARNING PROGRAM Multiple training possibilities Question mode for images or numbers Training with major system terms instead of pictures Free selection of the number range to be learned with optional restrictions to specific reaction time ranges, questions answered incorrectly or not yet processed terms Training level indicatorPREINSTALLED MAJOR SYSTEM Major System Terms and selected images for the numbers 0 99 and 00 09 Major System Terms for the numbers 000 999 Freely customizable Comprehensive collection of alternative Major System Terms Choice of alternative images (camera, photo album, integrated web search for images) Color codes for response times in the main view of the Major System Cards view (comfortable learning like using file cards) Optional extension to the three-digit major system (the trainer and the generator automatically use the chosen system: 2 or 3 digits) Build optional major systems (in addition to the German and English Major System three custom major systems can be build) CSV Import and ExportGENERATOR Major System encoding for any numerical sequence Possibility of adding notes Saves any number of encodings Settings (hide the notes field, hide the pictures, one or multiple terms per line) Supports the Person Action Object (PAO) System (uses the optional master systems Custom 1, 2 and 3 alternately)