ME/CFS Diary Pro!

ME Diary provides a versatile tool for those affected by Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) to help you manage your activity, fatigue and symptoms. The app allows you to: Calculate a working Activity Baseline to give an individual guide for reducing boom and bust patterns Monitor exhaustion and any number of ME/CFS related symptoms the individual would like to include Input a daily record of energy domains to promote Activity Switching Generate a measurable report in the form of an email, that can be reviewed and acted upon by health and medical professionals Add a daily comment to add qualitative aspects including thoughts and feelings to your reportsThis is the Pro version of the ME/CFS Diary Smart Phone App. In union with supporting Biomedical Research the ME Diary Team will endeavour to work with each and every user of the ME Diary to further develop the software applications usefulness and research and treatment potential.