Little Santa!

Little Santa is your own personal festive friend, bringing countless hours of laughter and holiday fun for all the family Speak to Little Santa using your microphone and he will repeat your message back to you Play with Little Santa in his beautiful winter wonderland Turn on his boombox and dance along with Little Santa, have a snowball fight and see if he can dodge your snowballs, or add to the festive feel by tickling the magic snowman to make it snow Are you naughty or nice? Be naughty; slap and prod Little Santa as much as you like, but be careful, he wont be happy Be nice; tickle his beard to make him laugh his jolly Christmas laugh If youre nice to Little Santa he may even give you a gift With Little Santa, you can have fun with all of the family, and take the laughter and the joys of Christmas with you wherever you go Beautifully rendered in real time 3D .Interact with Little Santa in his Winter Wonderland. Touch the snowballs to have a snowball fightMake it snow by tickling the magic snowman.