LetterSchool - learn to write letters and numbers!

The #1 alphabet tracing app for toddlers & preschoolers. Recommended by parents and teachers. Every letter is a surprise Apps4KidsHOW IT WORKS Kids learn to write letters and numbers as they play four exciting games per letter or number: Intro - discover the shape, name and sound of all the 26 abc letters and numbersTap learn where to start to write the letters and numbers and finish by tapping the dotsTrace - learn the letter trajectory by tracing it Write - test your knowledge by writing the abc and numbers from memory Special features - Uppercase and lowercase letters - Choice out of three most popular typefaces in handwriting education- Progress and settings stored for up to three players For more reviews and features visit our website www.letterschool.com If you have any question please contact us at [email protected], https://www.facebook.com/LetterSchoolEnglish or https://twitter.com/letterschool.