KLeasing on Mobile!

KLeasing on Mobile . KLeasing Real Time - , , Generate Barcode - , - () 24 . Available services- Monthly installment payment, vehicle tax and insurance renewals, and account closure conducted by showing barcode generated on smartphone to bank tellers at branches- Alert system for monthly installment payment and vehicle tax renewal on smartphone calendar- 24-hour service of loan calculation and application for K-Auto Finance (New Cars) and K-Auto Finance (Refinance) - Query service for information related to auto finance services available via the application, with alert of reply via smartphone notification- Customer convenience provided with navigation system indicating route to nearest KBank branch, with automatic calling system- Real-time oil price updates- KLeasings promotional campaigns and privileges announced via smartphone notificationThis application will keep your personal data, e.g., e-mail address, mobile phone and ID card numbers, for use in sending you information related to privileges and promotions.