[Spec Requirements]The following iOS devices with iOS 8.0 or above installed - iPhone5s (7th generation iPhone) or later - iPad Air (5th generation iPad) or later - iPad mini2 (2nd generation iPad min) or laterRequired storage space: 1G or moreOn the 30 (+1)-year anniversary of its original release, Kings Knight is reborn Witness the evolution of the classic wall-smashing adventure [Story]6th Moon of the Luvan Year 320Princess Claire of Olthea is abducted by the Dark Dragon Tolfidan. Meanwhile in Olthea, four brave souls receive the blessing of the time god Khalam, and embark on a quest to rescue the captured princess. Take down giant enemy bosses part by part Unleash a powerful Kings Might attack to obliterate your foes -Multiplayer mode with up to 4 playersTest the limits of player unity and strategy in co-op mode When the four heroes line up in formation, inconceivable power shalldescend from the sky.-An army of allies and comrades Over 50 new characters appear in this all new epic adventure set in the mythical kingdom of Olthea.-Switchable control schemesSwitch between classic virtual controls using two hands (left for movement, right for action) and one-handed controls optimized for smartphone play.