ImageCat Lite!

ImageCat helps you getting all images that appear on can use it to track image requests in the webpage, nicely display them in the split view, save or share the selected can add images to your favorites which will keep in ImageCat. you can quickly export selected images to a zip file or save to Photos.# See it, Got itImageCat will save any images that the webpage loaded. # Auto load HD imagessupport instagram pixiv unsplash dribbble pinterestFeatures:# split view to work with webpage and images list# full screen view to view images only# get any images loaded in the webpage# share images by airdrop and SNS# filters to log less image by size or type# easy to dismiss window by drag down# export selected images as a zip file# export selected images to Photos# export selected images to Favorite# support SVG format capturePreview Music: http://www.bensound.comsupport URL Scheme to open imageCatimageCatFree://app